Love Your Liver Challenge Monday, January 15, 2024 through Sunday, February 4, 2024
Do you have frequent headaches, migraines, or brain fog?
Do you frequently wake up between 2 and 4 am unable to go back to sleep?
Are you struggling with gastrointestinal issues like constipation, indigestion, bloating, or acid reflux?
Are you having increasing difficulty controlling your psoriasis, eczema, or acne?
How often do you experience insatiable sugar cravings that encourage you to eat more and more sugar every day?
If you answered 'yes' any of the five questions above, you might benefit from some serious liver support.
Join my Love Your Liver Challenge to support your health and increase your vitality by helping the liver do its job better.
Once you register, we will discuss whether or not you should include supplements with your program and if so, which ClearVite Formula will work best for you. If you decide to include supplements, you will order them directly from my online dispensary. Then, your recipe and meal planning workbook (PDF file) will be delivered directly into your inbox.
The workbook will allow you to choose your favorite foods and keep you on track with meal planning. I promise, you won't feel deprived at all with these delicious, detoxifying recipes. You will begin to see food differently and focus your attention on foods that support and restore the body while supporting the natural detoxification process of the liver and kidneys.
We will start with a group video call (via Zoom) at 7 pm the Thursday before the program begins to outline how the program works, answer any questions that you have, and get you off to a strong, motivated start. (participants can attend live or view recording at their convenience)
For 21 days, you will eliminate alcohol, gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, caffeine, and all processed foods and meats.
You will be eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, fish/chicken, grains (rice), and beans in accordance with any existing dietary restrictions or sensitivities. You will receive a detailed meal planning guide along with delicious recipes that adhere to strict food elimination guidelines.
We will also discuss the options for including plant remedies and herbs that you can easily incorporate into your daily self care that support the natural detoxification processes of the body. You will learn how to support your body's detoxification processes through foods especially plants.
We can meet to discuss any food preferences, allergies, or sensitivities before you begin.
You are invited to a private Facebook Group where we exchange ideas, recipes, and encouragement/support.
We will wrap the program up with a final group video call via Zoom to make sure that you understand how to reintroduce foods from the "DO NOT EAT" list back into your meal planning. Past participants report that they feel fantastic in just 3 short weeks. Check out the button below to check out what others are saying about the amazing program!!
TOTAL INVESTMENT: $69 (Supplements are purchased separately HERE)
This 5-part virtual workshop entitled Honoring Plants as Self-Care Partners is based on the Elements of Care® Program developed by Dr. Martha Libster.
Students will engage in online classroom education, experiential learning with gentle medicine self-studies, and book club style discussions to increase confidence with incorporating gentle remedies for precision self-care. Plants are the perfect partners for self-care when plant remedies are chosen with precision demonstrating respect not only for the plants but for ourselves in the process.
If you want to learn more about partnering with plants for self-care, this is the workshop for you. We will go through the book in a systematic way, discussing each chapter while making medicine to support your self-care journey.
There has never been a time when focusing on self-care was more important than right now. Gain the confidence that you need to partner with plants to care for yourself and your family.
Investment $197 (includes book and experiential guide that will be mailed to you following registration) Registration Deadline is June 1, 2023
Next Session Start Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Virtual class dates: Wednesday, June 14 & 28, July 12 & 26 from 6:30-8:00 pm
*Virtual Medicine Making Retreat Saturday, July 29, 2023 from 12:00-2:00 p
Can't make one of the live class sessions, no problem. All sessions will be recorded for download.