How do we choose what to invite in when information is coming at us constantly?![]() Wow, what a week it has been!!! I just finished up my virtual live course “Gentle Medicine for Balance in Body and Peace of Mind” on Saturday with a 2-hour virtual medicine making class. What an amazing group of women who came together to learn about partnering with plants and making their own medicine. Then, on Sunday, I had 4 beautiful women join me for a face to face, socially distanced, outdoor 3-hour Release and Reclaim: Guided by Horse to the Life you Desire! Such powerful transformation happened for everyone. It was absolutely beautiful and inspiring. While the need for social distancing has made attending some workshops and retreat experiences more challenging, technology has allowed us to meet in virtual classrooms, which is good, but can sometimes leave us feeling less connected in the end. Do not get me wrong, I have been incredibly grateful for zoom over the past year while in lockdown, but after this past weekend, I am feeling the need for connection with others now more than ever. I must admit, there are days when I have experienced “zoom fatigue.” I am not sure that this is a real thing, but I am calling it out for what it is—too much screen time. I personally feel that in the past year I have had way too much screen time, and this includes my phone, computer, and TV. Screen time is an interesting phenomenon! On one end of the spectrum, we have social media which portrays mostly the ‘highlight reel’ of everyone’s life while on the other end is the news media which is all too often fear-oriented and energetically uncomfortable, especially during this past year. Not to mention, we are so connected to our smart phones that a sense of panic sets in if we happen to notice that our phone is not within 2 feet of us at any given time. I have recently had many conversations with clients in my office who tell me that their spouses and other family members NEVER put their phone’s down—even during dinner or family time! How have we gotten to this point with the information coming at us at such an alarming rate? We have gotten here because it has been easy. Access to information is instantaneous and constant. So now, the hard part. Spring is a great time to clear energy from your mind, your body, your living space, and your electronics. What are you willing to do to free up space in your life for what you really want? I challenge you to commit to a 7-day news and social media fast. There, I said it. If you were to totally eliminate the news and social media from your life for 7 days, what do you think that would feel like? Next, at the end of 7 days, I challenge you to make very clear, conscious choices about what you allow back into your life. Ask yourself:
If I can do anything to support your self-care journey, schedule a virtual or Face to Face visit with me HERE.
April 2023
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